Fat, flour, and liquid is all you really need for a gravy recipe.

肉汁is the secret star of the Thanksgiving table. It can save too-dry turkey and under-seasoned mashed potatoes, as well as marry together all the diverse flavors on the plate. A good turkey gravy is like a secret bonus of cooking a turkey—just those caramelized drippings rendered from the turkey’s long roast in the oven are enough to bring deep turkey flavor to the whole gravy. Of course, even if you don’t eat turkey, or don’t have those precious drippings, you can also make gravy. Here are our best tips on how to make perfect gravy every time.

Turkey gravy being poured onto sliced turkey
Credit: Victor Protasio

What Is Gravy Anyway

在最基本的水平上,肉汁是一种简单的锅酱,需要液体和增稠剂。传统的火鸡肉汁通常有脂肪,面粉和汤。你(们)能做到an excellent turkey gravywith just those ingredients, plus salt and pepper for seasoning. The flour and fat make a roux, which thickens the stock to spoon-coating consistency. A traditional roux goes for a roughly equal amount of flour and fat, but gravies often call for a bit more flour than that, to thicken the gravy more. (The肉汁的经典比率为三二- 三汤匙面粉,两汤匙脂肪和一杯热汤。)您可以在混合物中添加其他口味,或将汤汁换成其他液体,或者使用玉米淀粉而不是面粉。但是,酱汁的骨干是一种美味的液体,再加上增稠剂,可提高液体的粘度。

Fat Goes First

要建造肉汁,锅中的第一件事是脂肪。如果您在烤盘底部的火鸡上有滴头,则可以使用它。对于为大约16个人服务的肉汁,我们的同事食品编辑Kelsey Youngman建议亚搏电竞a quarter cup of drippingsfor the gravy. If you don’t have that much, or any at all, you can supplement or substitute other fats for the drippings. Bacon grease is a great choice, like in thisbacon-shallot gravy, or you can use melted butter or oil. Warm the fat in the saucepan you’ll be using for the gravy over a medium-low heat.


如果您想在肉汁中添加额外的元素,例如甜洋葱和大蒜或者mushrooms and herbs, 现在是时候了。将蔬菜煮在热脂肪中,直到变软为止,洋葱刚开始在边缘变成褐色。如果您不想,您不必在肉汁中添加任何额外的东西,但这是添加额外的草本或洋葱味的窗口。

Choose Your Thickener


If you’re using cornstarch for your thickener, you’ll want to wait until you have the stock in the pan to add it. Cornstarch has twice the thickening power of flour, so it’s best to go slowly and add a little at a time to the gravy until it gets to your desired consistency. The best way to do that is to make a slurry of 1 tablespoon cornstarch to 1 cup of cool stock, whisked together. Add the stock and cornstarch slowly once the liquid in the pan has gotten up to a simmer, whisking the whole time.

Deglaze with Liquid

Now is the point where you add liquid to the situation. Turkey stock is the traditional gravy ingredient, but you can also use whatever stock you have on hand. InYoungman’s Best Ever Turkey Gravy,她在锅中添加了4杯库存,但是您可以根据使用的脂肪和面粉的量成比例地调整或向下调整。首先,大约将汤料加入大约半杯,然后从锅底上刮下滴和褐色的肉或蔬菜。然后逐渐将其余的液体慢慢搅拌到混合物中,搅拌以确保汤,增稠剂和芳香剂已充分掺入。

Let It Come Together

Bring the gravy up to a simmer, continuing to whisk, and itshould start to thicken up. The ideal consistency for gravy is memorably described by the French asnappant,或者thick enough to coat a spoon. If you dip a spoon in the gravy, you should be able to run your finger along the back of the spoon and leave a trail. If you’ve simmered the gravy for 10 minutes and it’s still not thick enough, don’t fret—you’ve got options. You can always make a quick paste of equal amounts (say, a tablespoon each) softened butter and flour called a贝尔·玛妮(Beurre Manie)。将糊状物倒入一次沸腾的液体中,一次搅拌,然后搅拌一下,然后允许肉汁变稠一两分钟,然后决定添加更多。

Season to Taste

Once the gravy is lusciouslynappant, now is the time to adjust seasoning. It’s always a good policy to wait until the sauce is reduced and thickened to your liking before adding salt–adding it in the beginning can result in an overly salty sauce. Taste the gravy and add salt and pepper to your liking. You can add other spices as well, depending on what flavor profile you’re going for.烟熏辣椒粉或阿达博的切碎的chipotle例如,加入烟熏,辛辣的命中。随意尝试一下。

Too Thick?

肉汁倾向于在其位置时变稠,尤其是在冰箱中过夜。不要烦恼 - 在一次汤匙或热水中,一次是一汤匙,直到酱汁达到您想要的一致性为止。都是肉汁。