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The world ofhot sauceis beautiful, vast, and competitive. Hot sauce competitions for the tastiest (and spiciest) recipes bring out sauce makers from across the country, from barbecue lovers to bakery owners. The wildly popular热的talk show has only expanded the industry, and no doubt there are amazing sauces out there yet to be discovered as well.

我们不是在这里敲经典。塔巴斯科,sriracha和tapatio都是主食,是有原因的,我们会捍卫他们any day. But there's always joy in exploration, and there are hundreds of great brands to spread (or dab) the love around. Outside of the typical top ten hot sauces in the country, there are hundreds of contenders of varied fame and popularity. Lucky for you, we've rounded up 25 of them from all sources and spice levels.

If you're just beginning to venture outside of your Cholula comfort zone, there are a few relatively famous sauces that you'll want to use all the time. They have strong followings and offer heat that is noticeable but not overpowering, making them perfect for everyday use. Start out with秘密Aardvark。尽管现在这不是一个秘密,但俄勒冈州波特兰的调味料现在已成为全国许多烧烤机构中的主食。

Yellowbird;得克萨斯州的当地人珍惜家乡最喜欢的酱汁和鲜艳的瓶子,从塞拉诺(Serrano)到幽灵胡椒品种。回馈社区小斧头胡椒- 他们从城市农民的社区花园收获中制成调味料。非常时尚松露(a.k.a truffle hot sauce) has amassed a huge following and three varieties, including a limited edition white truffle.Adoboloco是夏威夷的出口和大量的高级酱汁,可供选择。Hell Fire Detroit's bottlesare also great to keep in the kitchen, with four styles ranging from mild to over 100,000 Scoville units.


  • Mild (0-5,500)
  • 培养基(5,500-25,000)
  • Hot (25,000-70,000)
  • 非常热(70,000-200,000)
  • 极端(300,000多)

如果您不确定水平的含义,请知道“温和”倾向于poblano并腌制墨西哥胡椒,“媒介”在新鲜的墨西哥胡椒和塞拉诺斯(Serranos)范围内,“ Hot”进入Cayenne和Thai Chili Pepper,“非常非常”Hot”可以包括Habaneros和Scotch引擎盖,“ Extreme”将其带到从幽灵辣椒到卡罗来纳州收割机(辣作为胡椒喷雾)的所有物品。请记住,该量表在指数级别上工作,因此从中等到极端的跳跃不仅仅是跳过梯子上的一个梯级。它正在弹示,从而显着更高的热量水平。


Mild Hot Sauces

truff and secret aardvark hot sauces
Credit: Amazon

从最温和的一堆开始,Humble House's smoky sauce从德克萨斯州味道,辣椒和罗望子是每个人都很容易的调味品。松露的甜美咸味松露酱在一个沸腾的2500张;他们的hotter sauce如果您的速度更高,则会将您放在中等类别中,但是您也可以用两包购买它们。

Heartbeat是安大略省制造的小批量酱,将贝尔辣椒与红色哈瓦那人保持平衡。秘密Aardvarkis a blend of fire-roasted tomatoes and habaneros, with a rich sweetness and just the right amount of kick. On the fence between mild and medium heat is小斧头胡椒sauce,由布朗克斯整个社区花园的塞拉诺辣椒制成。

Medium Hot Sauces

yellowbird and red clay hot sauces
Credit: Amazon

佛蒙特州的蝴蝶面包店几乎意外地放进了辣酱,现在面包店有一整件酱汁,是佛蒙特州生长的辣椒辣椒的第一购买者。他们的maple wood Smoked Onionsauce is a great option.Shaquanda的辣椒酱将物品加热到10,000张,上面装满了辣椒,洋葱,姜和姜黄。奥斯汀的黄鸟酱有多种调味料,从温和到热,但它们的酱汁habanero, carrot, and citrus-ysauce is the perfect pairing for sweet and salty food.Red Clay从南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿(Charleston)从传奇的卡罗来纳州收割机(Carolina Reaper)沿着调味料,通过在波旁威士忌酒桶中与弗雷斯诺·辣椒(Fresno Chiles)老化,从而将其变成中型调味料。Cheeba Gold是一种基于芥末的酱汁,上面有火热的Habaneros,伸向Scoville秤的热门部分,并带有Scotch引擎盖,并与Sweet Peach Curry达成协议。


Credit: Amazon

Bravado Spice以28,000 Shus的身份获得了驯服的幽灵辣椒和新鲜的蓝莓和黑胡椒味。这是他们的best-selling sauces。Get a little more savory with Lucky Dog'spineapple and Thai chile与蜂蜜分层,阿勒颇胡椒、姜和lime flavors. Adoboloco'sHawaiian Chili Pepper Wateris hot enough for flavoring breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If you love salsa flavor but want more kick,Hotter Than EL Ghost Sauceis a great option. Finally, for bridging the gap between hot and very hot,底特律的地狱火力在火烤的橙色哈巴纳罗斯群岛上打包带有热带边缘的拳头。

  • Bravado Spice Ghost Pepper and Blueberry Hot Sauce, $12 atAmazon.com
  • Lucky Dog Year of The Dog Thai Chile Pineapple Hot Sauce, $15 atAmazon.com
  • Adoboloco辣酱夏威夷辣椒水,13美元Amazon.com
  • Hotter than EL Ghost Sauce, $15 atAmazon.com
  • 底特律哈瓦内罗地狱,16美元Amazon.com


Credit: Amazon

本节是针对辣酱恶魔的道森的原始辣酱,辛辣和辣的经典。胖猫的chipotle-ghost胡椒混合物与香菜,番茄和辣椒粉的混合物混合在一起,随着时间的流逝而生长。紫色河马搭配刺梨和西瓜/泡泡糖味,携带沉重的蝎子和哈瓦那人咬伤。火炬手的芥末和大蒜收割者酱(您猜对了,带有卡罗来纳州收割者)是辣酱狂热者的最爱,他们甚至更热Zombie Apocalypse Ghost Pepper Sauce。"Hot Ones" watchers will be familiar with the hottest in this group, "Da Bomb,“在火热的135,000张时,建议一次使用“一次滴”。

  • 道森的原始辣酱, $12 atAmazon.com
  • 胖猫“热猫” chipotle鬼胡椒酱,$ 8Amazon.com
  • Angry Goat Purple Hippo Hot Sauce, $15 atAmazon.com
  • Torchbearer调味酱大蒜收割机酱,14美元Amazon.com
  • 超越精神错乱的炸弹,$ 9Amazon.com

Extremely Hot Sauces

Credit: Amazon

There's scorching hot, and then there's this group that goes above and beyond the call of duty. These were all designed to test limits, and some to break barriers.Dave's Original Insanity Hot Sauce作为市场上最初最热的辣酱,可能是许多人的极限。这一数量的Scoville单元,您将达到疯狗357(that is, 357,000 SHUs), a blend of cayenne and habaneros for a world consumed by fire. Burns & McCoy has one of thehottest all-natural saucesin the world, made with 7 Pot Primo pepper, agave, garlic, and yuzu. Step up higher and reach actualHellfire, an almost 60% Carolina Reaper mash. Finally, for the bravest and possibly most unhinged,The Reaper Hot Sauce, made by the creator of the Carolina Reaper himself, Ed Currie, clocks in at nearly 1 million SHUs. Glutton for punishment with a stomach of iron?收割者挤压is 2.2 million, making it essentially weaponized. You have been warned.

  • 戴夫的原始精神错乱辣酱,8美元Amazon.com
  • 疯狗357辣酱,23美元Amazon.com
  • Burns & McCoy, Exhorresco Hot Sauce X-Hot, $15 atAmazon.com
  • Hellfire's Fear This! Hot Sauce, $15 atAmazon.com
  • puckerbutt smokin'Ed的《收割机辣酱》,10美元Amazon.com