Made with a spirit called Träkál, the Patagonian Negroni is a South American play on the classic Italian aperitif.

There are certain cocktails that are so symbolic of their homelands that a quick sip can send your mind wandering across borders. A margarita might transport you to a colorful taqueria in Mexico City, acaipirinha到里约熙熙copacabana的海滩和一个内格罗尼到佛罗伦萨的一些人行道咖啡馆。然而,在经典赛上略有扭曲,您最终可以喝着像巴塔哥尼亚·内格罗尼(Putagonian Negroni)这样的饮料,它将您的味蕾完全漫游到另一个大陆。

意大利开胃酒上的这个朴实的即兴演奏是通过用杜松子酒代替杜松子酒的特里卡尔这是一种来自北巴塔哥尼亚的一种违背类别的精神,它是用七种本地草药和三种当地浆果制成的 - 所有这些都来自智利奥斯奥诺酿酒厂的100公里(62英里)。

学分:亚当·弗里德兰德(Adam Friedlander) /珍珠琼斯(亚搏电竞Pearl Jones)的食物风格

一旦发现辊筒y in select US markets like Denver, where it debuted in 2017, this South American novelty has recently snuck onto cocktail menus (and liquor shelves) in 21 states from New York to California. Its unique name is a combination of the words trä ("courage") and kál ("to act"), both from a regional dialect of Mapudungun, the language of the indigenous Mapuche of southern Chile.

Träkál的基础酒精来自当地的苹果和梨品种,类似于Eau de Vie。然而,风味概况与世界相距甚远。多亏了所有野生植物学,它就更加草本和花卉,例如喝一些壤土的澳大利亚森林的香气。

创始人兼酿酒师塞巴斯蒂安·戈麦斯(Sebastian Gomez)解释说:“我们说的就像杜松子酒和威士忌在巴塔哥尼亚有一个孩子,并指出Träkál“像杜松子酒一样玩耍,但像威士忌一样s饮。”

Born in Argentina, but raised in the UK, Gomez worked at the multinational alcohol company Diageo before parting ways to create his own spirit in southern Chile. "I figured the only constant in the history of booze is the pot still, so let's just put one in Patagonia and see what comes out," he recalls, saying it was important for him to "move the distillery to the ingredients and not the ingredients to the distillery."

如果皮尼杜松是杜松子酒的定义特征,那么柑橘类Tepa就是Träkál的特征。它也有两个桂冠,两个薄荷糖,Canelo(Winter's Bark)和Paramela(一种芬芳的药草) - 所有这些都将其混合成精油,并在第三次蒸馏中浸入蒸气中,从而使Spirit具有独特的巴塔哥尼亚香水。


Though thePatagonian Negroni它在整个美国都弹出了菜单,它的起源可追溯到圣地亚哥最著名的鸡尾酒吧之一西特·内格隆斯(Siete Negronis), where low vermillion lights bathe barflies in a signature Negroni hue. It was bartender-owner Matias Supan who first mixed up the drink four years ago to put a distinct Chilean stamp on the beloved Italian bitter.


While the classic Negroni recipe calls for equal parts gin, Campari and vermouth, Supan makes a slight alteration with Träkál, adding a bit less of it than the others. That's because when compared to a London dry gin, the Chilean spirit has a rounder profile with a hint of sweetness due to its base of fruits (gin is typically made from wheat or barley).


将芳香的精神与具有同等价值的甜苦艾酒搭配在一起也很重要。Supan说:“如果您放入低成本的苦艾酒,那有点像购买豪华车,然后为其购买便宜的油漆;所有产品都必须互相补充并用相同的优质成分制成。”罗西·鲁比诺(Rossi Rubino)而不是标准马提尼及罗西·罗索(Rosso Rosso)。

内格罗尼(Negroni)可能被认为是意大利的餐饮饮料,但在大西洋的另一侧,许多人认为这更多地是午夜的sipper。这就是为什么Supan为Putagonian Negroni提供两种方式,包括经典的低球鸡尾酒和一个下午友好的高球,这要归功于苏打水俱乐部。

"Träkál makes an already complex drink that much more complex, so the club soda really helps all those botanicals pop," he says, adding that you can play around with the amount to bring out different flavors.

Get the Recipe: Patagonian Negroni