高地酿造总统利亚·黄(Leah Wong)
高地酿造总统利亚·黄(Leah Wong)

那是八月在北卡罗来纳州,约翰·帕克斯(John Parks)屈膝屈膝。他说:“他们都在不同的时间成熟,所以这很棘手。”

36岁的帕克斯(Parks)是Zillicoah Beer Company的首席酿酒师,在郊区Asheville在用作他的酒窖和品尝室的浅液体仓库中,他完成了一个野生的桃子啤酒,在一个叫做泡沫的木桶中加入了最好的石头水果,它将静置四个月,并注入自然发酵的啤酒带有香味味。他花了一分钟的时间将我带到酒吧,拿到一块高大的柏林人Weisse,慢慢敲打它,以使泡沫制造成高高,厚实的酥皮,抓住了啤酒的令人愉悦的芳香剂,并用每次震动的sip sip将它们释放到我的鼻子中。

那个专家倒了,啤酒本身是一种浅色但浓郁的香草萨兹啤酒花和蜂蜜雪地啤酒和麦芽蜂蜜的混合,是十年前的梦想的令人印象深刻的最高峰商业伙伴乔恩(Jon)和杰里米·查斯纳(Jeremy Chassner)是佛罗里达州塔拉哈西(Tallahassee)的乐队成员和家庭酿酒者。

“We never thought what we love to do would make us money,” Parks told me, “but moving to Asheville changed that. Asheville is where young people come to retire. We could brush the 9-to-5 tunnel vision off and make a living making beer.”

He’s right. Here in the North Carolina mountains, it’s a beer maker’s nirvana. Some credit the water. With its neutral pH, the clean mountain elixir is a blank canvas, says brewer Carl Melissas. “We don’t have to fight minerals. We can just add back in what we want.” At Wedge Brewing Company, named for the warehouse filled with artists’ studios where he’s been cranking out beers for more than a decade, Melissas can emulate the calcium sulfate–rich waters of the Thames, for instance, by adding gypsum to his London-style Iron Rail IPA; it brings out the bite in the hops.

Asheville NC啤酒

啤酒爱好者还可以感谢该镇的文化。这是户外活动的复杂冲泡(后啤酒,有人吗?);活泼的艺术家和创造者的传统,鼓励其他努力抚摸;大量的老式装饰艺术建筑非常适合住宿小食品和饮料企业;亚搏电竞以及大量的游客及其口渴。“ 2016年有近1100万游客,其中有6.6%的啤酒是他们的主要原因。因此,即使人们只是为了一品脱而来,也很容易将啤酒厂漂浮起来。”当地的啤酒历史学家Cliff Mori说。

的确,自1994年退休工程师奥斯卡·黄(Oscar Wong Wong)推出了高地酿造公司(Highland Brewing),这座城市的第一位工艺生产商在市中心披萨店的地下室中,这里只有几个啤酒厂咬住了灰尘。阿什维尔酿酒师联盟(Asheville Brewers Alliance)列出了镇上及其周围的51名成员,尽管您认为这会使一个不到100,000居民的城市拥挤,但现场仍在增长。莫里说:“在阿什维尔,每个人都有空间。”

其中包括古典主义者,例如Zebulon Artisan Ales的Mike Karnowski,这是充满活力的法国风格的Saison和其他欧洲风格的制造商。在星期五或周六的下午,当卡诺夫斯基和他的妻子加贝欢迎饮酒的公众坐在韦弗维尔的小小的贫油啤酒店的阿迪朗达克椅子上时,这个自称为“ curmudgeon”将为您提供详细的英国波特历史记录从1922年的食谱中艰苦地重新创建了一品脱烤肉罐。

它还包括前厨师加里·塞纳克(Gary Sernack),他像奇闻趣事测试厨房一样在布拉马里酿造公司(Bhramari Brewing Company)对待啤酒厂。当我参观他的南坡酿酒厂时,他向我倾诉了一个名为Phuket Dude的IPA,受到泰国绿色咖喱的启发。它的辛辣,果味的鼻子来自加入酸橙叶,柠檬草,烤椰子,蓝姜和甘达尔。罗勒给了啤酒花饰面鲜艳的绿色流行。

“This scratches that creative itch the same way cooking does,” says Sernack. “But it’s not like table 32 needs their food on the fly. I can work at my own pace.”

不是Bhramari忽略了食物。亚搏电竞大多数啤酒厂in Asheville welcome food trucks; some partner with local restaurants. At the two-year-old Hillman Beer, the dry, delicious, and amusingly named Straw Boobies, a fruit-infused saison, goes great with house-cured pastrami from sandwich-maker-in-residence Rise Above Deli. But Bhramari, unlike most breweries here, serves a full menu, and chef Joshua Dillard is just as creative with the brew kettle ingredients as Sernack is. What spent grain doesn’t go for cattle feed (for the beef in his burger), he turns into soft pretzels.

Bhramari Brewing Burger with Hop-Smoked Cheese
Bhramari Brewing Burger with Hop-Smoked Cheese


但是,就像布拉马里(Bhramari)发生的事情一样,与他的某些同龄人相比,塞纳克(Sernack)的野心谦虚。一天早晨,我与葬礼啤酒公司的道格·雷瑟(Doug Reiser)一起走过一个营地的地面,该营地是在1930年代为平民保护军建造的。I’d met Reiser, an energetic former litigator, the night before at a maker’s fair at his original South Slope taproom, where jewelry designers and potters were selling their wares to a happy hour crowd sucking down his Baptized in Blood witbier and The Ballad of Chaos imperial brown ale.

在the new Forestry Camp, as they call it, Reiser; his wife, Jessica; and his partner, Tim Gormley, are taking Burial to the next level. Their production brewery there cranks out 10,000 barrels of beer annually—10 times what their original taproom can produce. When I visited, renovations were ongoing for a cocktail cellar, a party lawn, and a restaurant overseen by chef Brian Canipelli of Asheville’s Italian hot spot Cucina 24. Reiser had just launched Ambient Terrain, a series of rustic lagers made in collaboration with other craft breweries around the country. But beer was just the start of the wares he was planning to produce at his new facility.

“我们上周制作了米饭啤酒,将用过的米饭变成了炒饭。我们正在用波旁威士忌桶治疗当地的胡椒。我们正在制作房屋苦艾酒。我们将使用啤酒培养物作为酸奶,而在该物业上生长的冰冻莓将成为House Kombucha。为什么不?我很想说我们所做的一切都是内部的一天。”

Reiser的扩张具有本地先例。例如,多年来,高地已经成长为东南最大的家族酿酒厂。如今,它位于一家前电影制片厂,设有屋顶酒吧和一系列太阳能电池板,为其全天候啤酒的生产提供动力。阿什维尔(Asheville)的第一个品尝室是朋克摇滚酒吧(Punk-Rock Bar),绿人啤酒厂于1997年推出,很久以前就破裂了缝线,并将建筑物吞没了。今天,您可以坐在一个时尚,充满艺术的酒吧室中,俯瞰绿人的瓶装系列,并拥有经过认证的cicerone,带您穿过Malty,Brit-Style ESB及其花花公子的Trickster IPA。

新酿酒师不断来。该市最年轻的啤酒厂之一是BrouwerïJCursuskĕmē,这是一个英俊的景点,于2018年夏天在Swannanoa河沿岸的18轮卡车的前垃圾场开业。Cursus的Jeffrey Horner用旧卡车床塑造了他的高光杆,并用他们的发动机块将其固定起来。水龙头贯穿一棵倒下的黑蝗虫树的树干,垂直于霍纳用日本技术烧焦的墙壁上Shou Sugi禁令

这re’s a grassy biergarten, an outdoor kitchen where patrons grab sausage-and-duck-egg croissant sandwiches, an orchard to harvest fruit for cherry-laced kriek, and even a small hop farm on-site. It’s a post-industrial wonderland for enjoying beers brewed over a live fire and fermented with house-cultured yeast inside large, medieval-looking barrels.

Horner made beer for 19 years in Washington, D.C.; San Francisco; and New York’s Hudson Valley. He ran production at Nantucket’s Cisco Brewers. How did he land in an old dump by the river? He poured me a rauchbier he called Incendia. It tasted of wood smoke and ripe cantaloupe. “I was looking for the right community in which to make esoteric beers,” he shrugged. “The scene just brought me to Asheville.”




啤酒even defines the food here: The excellent burger has a stout wort glaze and hop-smoked, truffled American cheese. Try it with a pint of Lorelai IPA.101 S. Lexington Ave。bhramaribrewing.com



Burial Beer Company

埋葬的林业营啤酒厂在今年秋天开放,设有一家由詹姆斯·比尔德(James Beard)奖奖奖的半决赛入围者布莱恩·坎内威利(Brian Canipelli)监督的餐厅。40 Collier Ave.;burialbeer.com


坐在酒吧室,俯瞰瓶装线,并拥有一名经过认证的西塞隆,带您穿过他们的Malty ESB和其他出色的啤酒。巴克斯顿大街27号;greenmanbrewery.com

绿人啤酒厂的Snozzberry American Sour
绿人啤酒厂的Snozzberry American Sour



阿什维尔(Asheville)的第一个工艺啤酒厂的屋顶酒吧是尝试旗舰盖尔啤酒(Gaelic Ale)的地方,这是一种精美的跳跃,完美平衡的品脱。12届夏洛特高速公路,套房200;Highlandbrewing.com


This brewery anchors a studio space for 20 working artists founded by metal artist John Payne.37佩恩的方式;wedgebrewing.com

Zebulon Artisan Ales


Zillicoah Beer Company

在城市郊区的河上的阳光啤酒和仓库中品尝开放式农舍和啤酒。870 Riverside Drive,Woodfin;zillicoahbeer.com




Bunn House,,,,一家新的五居室精品酒店,在阿什维尔心脏地带的1905年房屋中提供自我登机手续。一楼的套房包括一个完整的厨房。在日落时酿造到屋顶甲板(279美元的房间)。在Biltmore Estate的旅馆,,,,adjacent to the 8,000-acre Biltmore property, you can make like a Vanderbilt by sipping a house martini in the dining room(299美元的房间)。如果您的体育和水疗中心,那就去玩Omni Grove Park Inn这座513间客房的综合大楼成立于1913年,拥有宏伟的餐厅,享有蓝岭山脉的景色。该物业最古老的部分提供了手工艺品的魅力,而新的翅膀更现代(房间,价格为284美元)。在the just-opened, 128-roomKimpton Hotel Arras,,,,tuck into a hearth-fired pizza at Bargello, a new restaurant from restaurateurs Martha and Peter Pollay(495美元的房间)。