Andrea Nguyen shares how to transform super-firm tofu into baked slices perfect for sandwiches, salads, and more.

关于豆腐的(许多)美丽的事情之一是,您可以以多种不同的方式准备它。超级豆腐可以变成轻松的(和素食主义者!)make-it-your-own scramble,或煎摇动豆腐; silken tofu adds a "luscious, creamy texture" to this韩国炖菜。As for baking tofu? According to食谱作者and tofu aficionado Andrea Nguyen, super-firm is your best bet, and she shared her tips and recommendations so you can easily make it at home.

While there are different ways to do baked tofu, Nguyen's method, which she says is "more like a Chinese style," starts with super-firm tofu that's cut into pieces and then weighted down for a few hours (making it even more firm), and ends with browned slices that can be used in sandwiches, salads, and more. Read on for her tips and recommendations, shared in a phone interview with亚搏电竞食品和美酒亚搏电竞

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nguyen建议坚定或超级豆腐油炸, for baking, her pick is super-firm, which she recommends shopping for in places like health-food stores and Trader Joe's. It's "typically sold in vacuum-sealed packages with very little water," she says, and is "typically labeled high-protein." And, as you'd expect with the name, it's very firm.

"I mean, you can throw the block of tofu between your hands because it's just been weighted down—the curds have been weighted down by a lot of pressure for a fair amount of time," she says. "So it's dense."


Cut It Up and Weight It Down

First, you'll want to cut your tofu, and Nguyen slices them into pieces "roughly the size and shape of a deck of cards," about half an inch thick. Depending on the block of tofu you have, she estimates that you'll end up with six to 10 pieces. Then, it's time to加重切片,您需要一些用品 -dish towels或纸巾,两个烤盘,然后大约有4磅的东西来减轻一切的重量(Nguyen说她使用了两罐大罐西红柿)。拿第一张烤盘,然后将其与一条干净的洗碗巾或两层纸巾排成一列,然后将豆腐切片放在顶部。然后,用第二层的洗碗巾盖住它们,然后是第二层烤盘。最后,重量继续 - 然后让豆腐坐三到四个小时。

"You want to firm it up," she says. "So much so that after the three to four hours, you hold a piece of tofu on one side and you can kind of wiggle it without fear of the thing falling apart."

Simmer It






Let It Drain and Bake It

第二天,该烘烤了。Nguyen建议将豆腐放在架子上干燥,同时将烤箱预热至“ 450 [华氏度]左右”。然后,她说,剩下要做的就是在某些油中涂上豆腐块(例如芝麻油或中性油),然后将它们放在烤盘中的架子上的烤箱中。您需要将豆腐烘烤10到12分钟,具体取决于您想要的质地。毕竟,您不必担心豆腐像生肉一样“完成”。

"The difference between 10 and 12 minutes is that [with] 12 minutes, you're going to get a slightly drier result," she says.

Nguyen说,豆腐片的边缘will darken slightly during this stage. Once you're satisfied, she recommends flipping the pieces and baking them for an additional five minutes for more browning.

烘烤后,让豆腐冷却干燥 - 她说,它会变暗,然后就可以了。

Use It in These Dishes

豆腐凉爽后,您可以将其存储在冰箱中容器for up to two weeks. And there's all kinds of ways you can cook with it. Nguyen likes to slice it for sandwiches and cut it into "thick matchsticks" for stir-frying, and says you can also put it in steamed buns like bao, use it in salads, or use it as a topping for noodle soups, too.
