
Ray Isle是粮食和葡萄酒的行政葡萄酒编辑和旅游亚搏电竞+休闲的葡萄酒和烈酒编辑。yabo电竞投注亚搏电竞他写了食品和葡萄酒的亚搏电竞月刊“亚搏电竞瓶子服务”专栏,并贡献了关于葡萄酒,烈酒和葡萄酒相关旅行的定期印刷和在线特征。yabo电竞投注他的文章在各种国家出版物中出现了葡萄酒亚搏电竞,啤酒,食品和烈酒的文章亚搏电竞,他已被提名三次为詹姆斯胡须奖,并两次获得叙事饮料写作的IACP奖。He speaks regularly on wine at live events and is a frequent guest on national media, having appeared on programs such as Today, CNBC’s On the Money & Squawk Box, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” and American Public Media’s “Splendid Table,” among others. Follow his wine exploits on twitter @islewine and on Instagram @rayisle.
Until the time comes when you can ask for a crisp Fromentot to pair with your Kumamotos on the half shell, Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio are the names to know. Food & Wine's Executive Wine Editor Ray Isle shares a baker's dozen of his favorite bottles.
亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒亚搏电竞Executive Wine Editor Ray Isle shares his formula for picking a perfect dozen bottles, and saving some cash while you're at it.
Sustainable seaweed should be on your plate in 2022.
Healdsburg hasn't been nearly as gussied up as much of Napa Valley, and though it's the premier destination for Sonoma County wine tourism, it still feels like an actual town.
The Way We Buy Wine Now
How online wine shopping (and learning!) is finally taking over.
如果您计划随着时间的推移为您的葡萄酒而年龄,历史亚搏电竞是一个比月份潮流的更好的指导。Ray Isle试图现在喝十几瓶或多年来藏起来。
Miguel A. Torres is rallying the wine industry to fight climate change.
烟熏烤食物并不难与葡萄酒配对亚搏电竞。亚搏电竞F&W'S Ray Isle名称25实惠,易于找到的瓶子全年饮用。
Ask any wine expert what's the best way to learn about wine, and they'll tell you to taste as much as you can. But where to start? And for that matter, where tofinish还差不多20,000种不同亚搏电竞葡萄酒for sale in the U.S. at any given moment. So even if you're a zillionaire with a ton of spare time, tasting more than a tiny fraction of what's available clearly is not an option. To save you from getting completely overwhelmed, here's a 25-bottle starter guide to wine wisdom. You'll need a budget of roughly $1,000, which sounds like a lot, but you don't have to buy all of the bottles up front—one a week will suffice. Also, the point here isn't to drown you in technical wine geekery. If you are keen to know the geological origins of Portugal'sDouro Valley,Google's your friend. The purpose of this exercise is to leave you with a mental library of tastes that you can refer to anytime you try a new wine.事实上,也许是要做的事情就是将此作为游戏,而不是一个严格的学习过程,就像葡萄酒的生活游戏一样。亚搏电竞按顺序遵循路径。每个瓶子都通向下一个。你积累了经验。但最终没有退休,你在你面前有一束葡萄酒聪明的葡萄酒和余下的日子。亚搏电竞不错,对吧?
61 bottles, regions, and winemakers you need to know now.
How many days will that great bottle last in the fridge? Depends on the wine you're drinking.
Sweet elixirs to drink late into a winter night.